Professional Development PROGRAMS
Professional development goes beyond the traditional classroom setting. When we can focus on skill growth, we can learn how to advance far beyond a job title. We can diagnose gaps, create a learning plan, and execute a learning program that will help your team reach their goals.

“You don’t need to be a genius or a visionary, or even a college graduate for that matter, to be successful. You just need a framework and a dream.”
- Michael Dell
Professional Development Curriculum
The Power of Effective Communication
Have you ever delivered a message through email, verbally or some other form of communication; and it just didn’t land? Learn ways that we can write more impact-fully, focus our audience, speak with more clarity, and deliver the message that we intend to deliver. A big part of communication is tied directly to listening. In this workshop we will also learn more about how well we listen and how we can do this effortlessly.
Feedback is a Gift!
Giving, receiving, and asking for feedback can be hard to do. What if we looked at feedback as being a gift? This can help the person giving the feedback courage to deliver it and can help the receiver take it in, digest it and get to a place of acceptance. When done in the right way with positive intent we can make feedback actionable and improve our skills.
Finding My Working Genius
We all have natural talents when it comes to work. Through research that Patrick Lencioni has done he has come up with 6 different types of talents or geniuses. Learn about your true geniuses/gifts, your working competencies, things that you are neutral on and can do well for limited time. Lastly, learn about your working frustrations, the things that diminish your energy at work. Identify how you can more effectively lean into your geniuses and do less in your working frustrations. Doing this will make you more effective at work and bring you career happiness every day.
I-Speak Your Language
Knowing your personal communication stye and adapting that style to the needs of your team or audience will help avoid misunderstandings and allow you to reach peak effectiveness. I-SPEAK is all about communication styles. We will explore four key styles. You will learn more about your personal style and strategies on how to communicate with other styles. The goal of this is to develop awareness of other styles and find more productive ways to have effective working relationships.
Where is My Time Going?
Time is your greatest currency, once you spend it, it’s gone. Learn about how to identify where your time is being spent, think through how you could spend it more effectively and then set a discipline in doing that. Come away with confidence in prioritization which will allow you to not only get more done but ensure you focus on the things that matter most.
Compass for Change
Why can some people sail through change and others struggle? The key is how you view change and the level of uncertainty you are willing to handle. Learn steps to navigating change, accepting the things you can’t change and building a plan of action to get to the other side of change.
Lead NOW! Self-Assessment
Whether you are trying to improve your skills in your current leadership role or preparing for a transition into leadership, one of the big steps is learning more about us. Stewart Leadership’s LEAD NOW! Self-Assessment provides participants with critical information on how their leadership effectiveness and strengths align with their leadership preferences, and how they can continue to evolve as leaders.