The power of Habits: Turning time into an ally
"If you have good habits, time becomes your ally. If you have bad ones, it becomes your enemy." - James Clear

The Power of Involvement: Transforming Learning and Growth
"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." - Benjamin Franklin

Learning to Exhale: Finding Calm in High-Pressure Situations
Learn how to EXHALE, the inhale will take care of itself. – Carla Melucci Ardito

Living in the Present: A Path to Mental Wellness
Thinking and living in the past can cause depression.
Thinking and living in the future can cause anxiety.
How can we live in the present?

Embracing Forward Momentum: Don’t Look Back, You’re Not Going That Way
When you make a choice to move forward…."Don't look back, you're not going that way."

Embrace Inspiration: Shamelessly Steal from What Moves You
Shamelessly steal from anything or anyone that inspires you!

The Power of Words: Understanding the Difference Between Can't and Won't
There is a big difference between CAN'T & WON'T.

The power of saying yes: choosing what truly matters
When you say yes to something, consider what you are saying no to.

The Power of Supportive Leadership: Taking the Leap
Standing on the ledge is scary, unless you have a leader that is holding onto the bungee cord for you.

Embracing the Challenge: Growth Happens When You Want to Quit
The hardest and most impactful growth happens when you want to quit!

Embracing Feedback as a Gift: Enhancing Personal and Professional Growth
FEEDBACK IS A GIFT - sometimes we accept the gift and sometimes we aren't ready to receive it.

Strive to Be Better: Inspiring Others Through Self-Improvement
Be better, not just for yourself, but to inspire others to be better too.

The Power of "SAY THE WORDS": Enhancing Communication Through Intentional Practice
To truly understand our message, sometimes we must practice the art of "SAY THE WORDS." By intentionally verbalizing our thoughts, we can ensure that we communicate the right message in the right way. This practice helps us clarify our intentions and improve the effectiveness of our communication.